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Monday Breaks/W (öffentliches Ereignis)

rosch Datum des Ereignisses: 29. 11. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Monday Breaks
LineUP Chacki Chen
Christian Camille
Space Bass
Specials/Infos - Visuals: Zwerg am Werk
Entry frei
Styles House, Techno, Techhouse
Location Galerie
Währingerstrasse 6-8
1090 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Dub Club: In Rotation/W (öffentliches Ereignis)

fakeschlange Datum des Ereignisses: 29. 11. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Dub Club: In Rotation
LineUP DJ MARKY (Brazil)
DJ XRS (Brazil)
Sugar B
Sweet Susie
Entry € 15,-
Styles Brazilian Drum'n'Bass & more
Location Flex
U2 - U4 Schottenring Donaukanal, Abgang Augartenbrücke
1010 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
sonstiges We like it, I like it, you like it too
Stamina MC's on wax for the movement crew
Say All I know is this tune tears up nuff venue
So anytime we're around this is what we do
It's the way- that we play this sound
It's the way- that we bring this sound to you
It's the way- that we play this sound
It's the way- that we bring this sound to you- hey yo!!
This is the way that I can best connect to you
Stop all the fighting and begin that healin'
We all get times when we just don't know what to do
There ain't a day when I don't get that feelin'
But for tonight- the vibe is right
And I'm damned if I can hold it any longer baby
But for tonight- the vibe is right
And I'm damned if I can hold it any...
Because it's the way- that we play this sound
It's the way- that we bring this sound to you
It's the way- that we play this sound
It's the way- that we bring this sound to you
Now as I'm singing, the party's swinging, vibe we bring is playing it loud
Feedin' energy from people in the crowd- an' a...
You know we got it like this, baby- an' a
You know we got it like that, baby
Now as I'm singing, the party's swinging, vibe we bring is playing it loud
Feedin' energy from people in the crowd- an' a...
You know we got it like this, baby- an' a
You know we got it like that.
It's the way- that we play this sound
It's the way- that we bring this sound to you
It's the way- that we play this sound
It's the way- that we bring this sound to you
- Vereinfachte Darstellung Aktuelles Datum: 29. May 2024 - 04:50

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