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Patrick Lindsey & Eric Sneo @ Strobe Okt 2007 (öffentliches Ereignis)

Soleil levant Datum des Ereignisses: 1. 10. 2007 endet 31-October 07 (Länger andauerndes Ereignis)
Patrick Lindsey & Eric Sneo @ Strobe Okt 2007
LineUP Monatsprogramm Oktober 2007
Strobe Club – Kultfabrikgelände

Dienstag 02.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr – SF aka Stefan Fischer @ Strobe
SF aka Stefan Fischer (Prinzip/Pool Syndicate)
Lotse Pirx (Evolution Estate Bookings)

Freitag 05.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr - Soundexpression
Joshua McGhee (Dwdk)
Kyr Stephano (Dwdk)
DJ T-Blisskin ( Ebene 3, Nbg)
Mike Nouveau (Dwdk)

Samstag 06.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr - Minimalverkehr
Armando S. (Labil Recordings/Random Access/Chiffre/Mando Mango)
der optiker (diagonal / potomiko)

Freitag 12.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr - "Glass Series"
BARTEK SZTOKINGER ( we are electric, sentence / polen )
Wladi Wostok ( u60311 djs contest / münchen )
Jack Clemens ( cirius booking / aut. )
Davin Baxtor Live!!! ( cirius booking / münchen )
Marek van der Yannek ( münchen )

Samstag 13.10.07 / 20.00 Uhr – 2 Jahresparty Electric Vision
Marc de Pulse (Kiddaz FM / PM Music)
Miss Roccabraut (Electric Vision)
DJ 4eyes (Electric Vision)
Chriz Rock (Mathouse Rec. /
D-Stylez (Electric Vision)
P-Que (Parkhaus Kenzingen)
DJ Dux (Electric Vision)
Soleil levant (Electric Vision)

Freitag 19.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr - Electrohousebattle
Soleil levant vs. Chriz Rock (Electric Vision)
Phil2 (el calambre /

Samstag 20.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr – Patrick Lindsey @ Strobe
Patrick Lindsey (Frisbee, Terminal M, Trackland)
Éclipse de Lune (Electric Vision)
Armando S. (Labil Recordings/Random Access/Chiffre/Mando Mango)
Special Guest (Nachwuchs-Contest)

Freitag 26.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr – Future History
mignon (café smart / quintessenz)
carlos (café smart / quintessenz)
s/mu (café smart / quintessenz)
pirate (café smart / quintessenz)

Samstag 27.10.07 / 23.00 Uhr – Eric Sneo @ Strobe
Eric Sneo (Beatdisaster)
The Extremist (1040 Leipzig)
DJ Dux (Electric Vision)

Mittwoch 31.10.07 / 22.00 Uhr – All Area
All Electric Vision Residents


Freitags ab 23.00 Uhr (bis 0.00 Uhr freier Eintritt)
nationale und internationale Club-DJs

Samstags ab 23.00 Uhr
nationale und internationale Club-DJs
Styles Electro, Techno
Location Strobe Club
Grafinger Straße 6
81763 München
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Frühschicht Afterhour (öffentliches Ereignis)

ÜMIT CAN Datum des Ereignisses: 18. 8. 2007 endet 31-December 07 (Wiederkehrendes Ereignis)
Früschicht Afterhour
LineUP Anthony Beatz,Acid B,Deelay,Frank Drabin,Tomeck,Scirox,Damien Dash and many more

Special Guests:Adelic,Peter Pan,Defex,Sdricci,Mc Alien
Specials/Infos Hosted by Monica Clubschiff
Free Fresh Fruit,Sweets
samstags : von 06.00-14.00
sonn und feitertags : von 06.00-open end
Entry 8 €
Styles Techno,Tech-house,House,Progressive,Minimal
Location Club Orange
Stadtbahnbögen 19-21
1160 Wien
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Deep Space Night (öffentliches Ereignis)

rave-dave Datum des Ereignisses: 30. 6. 2007 endet 29-December 07 (Wiederkehrendes Ereignis)
Deep Space Night
LineUP Romeo & LXR

+ special guests...
Specials/Infos Its more than just a party…its an adventure!

So lautet das Motto der Deep Space Night seit sie im Jahr 1996 ihren Anfang nahm.
Seither begeistert sie wöchentlich jeden Samstag in München ihre Partygäste.
An den Plattentellern heizen DJ LXR und Romeo zusammen mit ihren Resident DJs ordentlich ein.

Die Deep Space Night versteht sich als Veranstaltung einer neuen Generation.

Auf der einen Seite ist die Deep Space Night eine Party für alle Freunde der elektronischen Dancemusic.
Sie begleitet uns in die unendlichen Weiten der tanzbaren, energetischen Beats.
Spacige House, Trance, Techno und Elektro-Pop Hymnen bilden dabei den musikalischen Kern.

Auf der anderen Seite ist die Deep Space Night mit ihrer außergewöhnlichen Space und Lasershow
weit mehr als eine herkömmliche Dance Party.
Mit ihrer einzigartigen Mischung aus phantastischen Kostümen, Robotern, Aliens und Tänzerinnen
schafft sie eine ganz spezielle Atmosphäre - nicht von dieser Welt

So betreten gegen 1 Uhr MEZ Aliens und Roboter die DSN Showbühne
und überbringen die neuesten intergalaktischen Botschaften.
Diese Wesen haben immer garantiert galaktisch günstige Getränke im Gepäck.

Außerdem viele Geschenke für die Gäste der DSN wie CDs, Lightsticks und Trillerpfeifen
die zusätzlich für die außerirdische Stimmung der DSN sorgen.

Mittels legendärem Helicopterscan, einer speziellen DSN Lasershow,
werden die Stimmungsvibrationen wöchentlich gecheckt… und dann heißt es wieder einmal…

…ab geht die Party…und die Party GEHT AB!!

Entry 8
Styles Techno, Trance, Hardcore, Electro, House
Location Georg Elser Hallen
Rosenheimer Strasse 143
81671 München
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Gazometer "The Armageddon" (öffentliches Ereignis)

chili Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Gazometer "The Armageddon"
LineUP Dave Clarke
Skint Recordings

Adam Beyer

The Advent Live
Kombination Research

Marco Bailey
MB Electronics / MB Selections / Pornographic Rec.

Eric Sneo
Beatdisaster Records / masters of disaster

Sven Wittekind
Inflicted / KneDeep Records / Abstract Booking

Felix Kröcher
Kne Deep / Hardliner / FK-Recordings

Sutter Cane
Driving Forces
Specials/Infos - Gewinnspiel (siehe unten)

XXX Gazometer "The Armageddon"

15 Years Anniversary

The Armageddon, so lautet das Motto für das Gazometer am 13.10.2007!
8 internationale und nationale Top-Acts der Techno- und Hardtechnoszene treffen dort aufeinander um ihr Können unter Beweis zu stellen.
Österreichs Techno-Großevent No.1 öffnet anlässlich seines 15. Geburtstages ein weiteres Mal seine legendären Pforten und deshalb werden die weltbesten Acts der letzten Jahre noch einmal nach Wien geholt um eine Nacht der Superlative zu bieten. Don’t miss it!

Doors: 21:00h | Start: 21:30h | End: 09:00h

Special Offer
Streng limitierte XXX VIP Packages erhältlich in allen SunCompany Studios österreichweit, sowie im Friendly House Recordstore
(Wiedner Hauptstraße 39 / A-1040 Wien)
Mehr Informationen auf


Visit and win one of 10 SPECIAL XXX VIP PACKAGES for
Gazometer "The Armageddon" on 13th of October 2007!

Mach mit beim Gewinnspiel deines Lebens...

Gewinnspiel Inhalt:
2 x Free entry to Gazometer
2 x Backstage Pässe
2 x XXX Keyholder
2 x XXX Lighter
2 x Brandnew XXX DVD
2 x XXX Gazometertraxxx


Sonntag, 14.10.2007
Start: 06:00 a.m.
End: 12:00 p.m.
Venue: Volksgarten / Burgring 1 , A - 1010 Vienna (U3 Station Volkstheater)
Line-Up: Line-Up tbc

Entry VVK: EUR 24,- / 25,- / AK : EUR 28,-
Styles Techno
Location BA~CA Halle (Gasometer B)
Guglgasse 8
1110 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
sonstiges Gewinnspiel:

2 x 1 Karte

FRENCH SPECIAL (öffentliches Ereignis)

Crazy Sonic Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
LineUP Alex Gopher (f)
Specials/Infos - Gewinnspiel (siehe unten)
Styles hOUSE/tECH
Location Flex
U2 - U4 Schottenring Donaukanal, Abgang Augartenbrücke
1010 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
sonstiges Gewinnspiel:

2 x 2 Karten

AREA v.1 (öffentliches Ereignis)

Morphosis Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
AREA v.1 @ V-Club
LineUP Dj Pool !!!!!!

Dj Georg Leccer
Dj C-Man
Dj Medo
DJ Observer
Dj Milano
Dj Pete Brooks
Dj An.Dee

Area Residents!!!!!

Dj Senior Sorren
Dj Acarde
Specials/Infos Night of Greatest Tunes

gästeliste anfragen [email protected] [email protected]
Entry !!!!!!!!!!Free!!!!!Area Pass oder Gästeliste!!!!
Styles Minimal, Elektro, House, Techno
Location V - Home of House
Ruckergasse 30-32
1120 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Studio 54 (öffentliches Ereignis)

Studio 54 Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Electronic Club Night
LineUP Paul Yang
Specials/Infos Cocktail Happy Hour
22:30 - 24:00

Flaschen Happy Hour
00:00 - 01:00
Entry Freier Eintritt
Styles Techno, House
Location Studio 54
Riemergasse 13
1010 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
sonstiges Freitag und Samstag bespielt jeweils einer der interessantesten und besten Wiener Technotronica DJs das neu übernommene „Studio 54“ in der Riemergasse 13 (neben „Porgy & Bess“). Der Sound spielt sich größtenteils zwischen tanz- und hörbarem Techno und House ab. Kleine stilistische Abweichungen halten die Sets spannend bis in die frühen Morgenstunden!

Nachdem schon im September Größen wie Simon Lebon, Rainer Klang, Michael Holzgruber (Sofa Surfers) und Hans Staudinger für einzigartige Stimmung gesorgt haben finden sich im aktuellen Oktoberprogramm - unter anderem - hochkarätige Namen wie Crazy Sonic, Slack Hippy, Paul Yang oder Smacs wieder, und das alles bei FREIEM EINTRITT!!!

Neben dem musikalischen Angebot bietet das „Studio 54“ außerdem zwei wunderschöne Bars denen die Barkarte mit über 100 feinen Cocktails, qualitativ hochwertigen Produkten und humanen Preisen um nichts nachsteht!

Versäumt es also nicht mit uns bis in die frühen Morgenstunden zu tanzen, flirten, trinken und feiern…


Beat Boutique vs. Riverbreaks (öffentliches Ereignis)

riverbreaks Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 23:00 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Beat Boutique vs. Riverbreaks
LineUP Sa, 13.10.2007, 22:00
Beat Boutique + RiverBreaks

BB-Crew in association with RB-Crew presents a Beat Boutique special night - "the only winner will be the crowd!"

Beat Boutique DJs: Elvis & Paul Poser (House - Electro- Breakbeats - Bigbeats)
RiverBreaks DJs: Heiko B. & Lufdagroove (Breaks - Electrotech)

Eintritt: EUR 5.00
Entry 5 euro
Styles Breaks / Elecrtotech
Location Badeschiff/Laderaum
An der Donaukanallände zwischen Schwedenbrücke und Urania
1010 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

UNDERGROUND TECHNO PARTY @ Arena gr. Halle (öffentliches Ereignis)

Groovebagasch Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 23:00 (Einmaliges Ereignis)

LIVE: Suburbass (CZ)


Entry 5€<23:23h>7€
Styles Acid-,Detroit-,Psychedelic-,Hard-,Fuckin TECHNO
Location Arena
Baumgasse 80
1030 Wien
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

COSMIC - space disco (öffentliches Ereignis)

derlustigeastron... Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 23:00 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
COSMIC - space disco
LineUP Space Floor:


Vibrasphere - (tribal vision records) sweden

mit über 100 (!) releasten tracks und beinahe 10 longplayern gehört vibrasphere wohl zu den bekanntesten acts der psy/progressive-szene überhaupt. gebucht in allen ecken der welt ist es uns eine besondere freude euch die schweden präsentieren zu können!

Materia (24/7 records)

ganz besonders freuen wir uns auch darüber einen der internationalen musikexporte österreichs der psychedelic szene präsentieren zu können. ein act ist den man sich wohl für länger merken sollte... denn mit diversen releases auf verschiedenen samplern, regelmäßigen bookings im ausland und weil seine tracks nicht umsonst in den sets der bekanntesten djs platz finden, wird es wohl nicht mehr lange dauern bis er zu den wirklich großen gehören wird...


Djane Gaby (independent) Slovenia

Goandi (next time productions)

Samurai (cosmic resident)

Club Floor:

Shanti Roots (vienna scientists)

einer der vorzeigeacts der vienna scientists - auch weit über die grenzen österreichs bekannt - wird diesmal den club-floor live beschallen... mit funkigen sounds und treibenden beats wird er zeigen wo der groove zuhause ist...

Mr Rob (vortex)

Mik Mok (waldwegmuzik)

Sai (waldwegmuzik)
Specials/Infos cosmische deco by cosmic - space crew und darklines
visuals by der lustige astronaut und Fade FX
chai by wolf im wald!
Entry 13/15/18
Styles psytrance / progressive / elektronika div.
Location WUK
Währingerstrasse 59
1090 Wien
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Vinylauslese 04 (öffentliches Ereignis)

Injectionmusic Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 22:00 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Vinylauslese 04
LineUP Mike Vinyl (
Hans Staudinger (Flexschallplatten)
Thomas Mayr (Festung Traunstein)
Entry bis22.00uhr 5euro ab 22.00uhr 7 euro
Styles Elektro, Techno, Minimal
Location Luxor
Stadtplatz 6
4400 Steyr
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
sonstiges Mit Ach und Krach in die nächste Runde!

Nach der doch etwas längeren Pause, geht die Vinylauslese am 13.Oktober in die 4teRunde!
Wie sollte es anders sein, wird dort angeknüpft, wo man mit der 3ten Party aufgehört hat.
Volles Haus, tolle Leute und jede Menge gute Stimmung!

Come early - get cheaper - and get your ticket!!


DEEP MEDi Night (öffentliches Ereignis)

springkinkerl Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
LineUP Dubstep Floor
Mala - Digital Mystikz (DEEP MEDi Musik, London, UK)
Hijak (DEEP MEDi Musik, London, UK)
Kromestar (DEEP MEDi Musik, London, UK)
Quest (DEEP MEDi Musik, London, UK)
hosted by MC Sgt Pokes
Warm up: El Rakkas (Graz/A)

2nd Floor: Reggae, Roots, Dub
Ithiopia, the everblazing vibzmachine (Graz/A)
Culture Rock (Graz/A)
Entry 9.- / 6.-
Styles Bass!!! Dubstep / Reggae, Ragga etc.
Location ppc
Neubaugasse 6
8020 Graz
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
sonstiges Kein Vorverkauf, Karten an der Abendkasse erhältlich.
1 Ticket für 2 Partys: Bis 23:00h EUR 6.-- (spark7 EUR 5.--), dann EUR 9.-- (spark7 EUR 8.--)
Online Kartenreservierung zum günstigen Preis von EUR 6.-- (spark7 EUR 5.--): [email protected]
Reservierte Karten werden an der Abendkasse hinterlegt. Reservierungen können nur bis 12 Stunden vor Veranstaltungsbeginn bearbeitet werden.

Mala, Dubstep Mastermind und Pionier dieses neuen Sounds aus den Katakomben im Süden von London, kommt mit einer ganzen Abordnung von DJs des derzeit heißesten neuen Dubstep Labels 'DEEP MEDi' nach Graz.

Wackelkontakt (öffentliches Ereignis)

Basquat Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 21:30 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Wackelkontakt - reggae vs drum´n bass
LineUP Reggae | Dancehall | Ragga floor:

Hörspiel Crew & B Seiten Reggae Session
mc P.tha (Hörspielcrew | b Seiten Sound | WIEN)
dj cpt Lazard (Hörspielcrew | WIEN)

Badfish Sound
Mightyjust (Badfish Sound | Spliffradio | WIEN)
mc Ras Culture (Badfish Sound | WIEN)

Rundem Sound feat. Sergio Bukini
(Winner 45 Clash Cup 2005 Linz & Western Conference 45-Clash 2007 Fieberbrunn)

dj Da Guru ( | STYRIA)

Drum´nBass | Jungle | Breakbeat

djane Pandora (Junglistic Sistaz | Wicked | uaf | WIEN)

djKOs (Ruckus Keepers | uaf | WIEN)

dj Lemon ( | STYRIA)

dj El Dado (Kontaktell | STYRIA)
Specials/Infos Spark7 VVK 4 €
AK > 22.00 7,50 €
AK < 22.00 6,50 €
Styles Drum´nBass , Reggae
Location Kulturhaus Weiz
Brickfelder Straße
8160 Weiz
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Triple René Techno Night (öffentliches Ereignis)

derTobi Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 23:00 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Triple René Techno Night
[Carbon Audio Records, Bodyhammer, A]

[Cave Club DJ Contest Champion, A]

[Cave Club, D]
Entry €10,-
Styles Techno
Location Cave Club
Leopoldskronstraße 5
5020 Salzburg
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Mechanical Soul (öffentliches Ereignis)

AlFatal Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Mechanical Soul
hostet by Bassintoxication


Entry FREE!!
Styles Drum and Bass
Location Rockers Club
Maria-Theresien-Str 10
6020 Innsbruck
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Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner

Rythm of Times (öffentliches Ereignis)

Andros Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Rythm of Times
LineUP Dance Lounge
Seve Lawler -
Scarlett Etienne -
Eddie F -
MC Alex Donati

Aleksij -
Ally & Pipes -
M: 00386 41 353 722
E: [email protected]
Entry until 24:00: 20 EUR; after 24:00: 25 EUR
Location Ambasada Gavioli
Industrijska cesta 10
6310 Izola
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
sonstiges Steve Lawler

STEVE LAWLER is a definitive DJ and producer, renowned as one of the world's premier and most respected talents. His rise to the top has been the result of pure talent and dedication to playing and producing the finest quality house music first. It's been a steady rise from the infamous 'motorway raves' of the early '90s, to his legendary residency's We Love and VIVA at Space in Ibiza, Viva Harlem Nights at The End in London, and his Lights Out and VIVA tours of North America. Lawler continues to build an ever-growing band of avid followers who pack out any venue that bills his name. He is one of the most powerful touring brands in electronic music – period.

Steve Lawler was once hailed the pioneer of twisted house, but his sound has evolved through the years although the main elements still remain, meandering through deep, dark, sexy house tracks. Still evolving, and as always still innovating, Lawler will be at the forefront of global dance music for many years to come …


It Started in 1988. Steve Lawler used to avidly buy Depeche Mode records, which put him on the path of electronic music. But it was Acid House that really turned his head. Tuning devotedly into a local pirate radio station gave Lawler a taste for house music, and it wasn't long before his mates were luring him off to warehouse parties.

Lawler was inspired to put on his own illegal parties at the age of 17, in a disused tunnel underneath the M42 Motorway (1990 – 1994). These parties became legendary throughout Birmingham (his hometown) and across the Midlands, but were stopped due to pressure from the police. This didn't deter Lawler. Next stop Ibiza, where Lawler has been every summer since 1990. It was his residency at Cafe Mambo in 1995 which was his real breaking point, where he performed eight-hour sets, seven days a week, as well as playing three times a week at Pacha on the roof terrace. It was there that he was spotted by Darren Hughes (then promoter of CREAM, now We Love), who recognised his talent and ambition and signed him to Cream's DJ agency with an immediate residency at CREAM the eponymous Liverpool institution.

Following his residency at Cream, Lawler launched his residency for Darren Hughes at Home at Space in Ibiza in 1999, the place where his legacy was truly realised. After two incredible years, he was crowned by the locals and the Industry 'The King Of Space'

With a solid fan base, a proven track record and his first compilation 'Dark Drums 1' locked down what Lawler needed was a home in the UK, and that is exactly what he got. He set the capital alight with his weekly Friday night residency Deep South at Leicester Square's multi-million pound super club Home London. The latter half of 2000 saw the timely release of his hugely successful Home compilation that reflected his successful residency.

Steve Lawler fast became the DJ every clubber wanted to hear but he wanted a new home and outlet. The perfect solution came in the form of his own monthly Thursday night at Code, titled The Midweek Session, which quickly became established as one of the most important club nights in the UK, where guests such as Danny Tenaglia, Sasha, Carl Cox, John Digweed, and Laurent Garnier all joined him behind the decks. In March 2001, Lawler then released his revered Nu Breed album with compilation kings Global Underground.

Lawler was by now touring North and South America, South Africa, Australia, Asia and Eastern Europe to great acclaim. Due to this workload, he decided to end The Midweek Session after just 12 parties and end the residency on a high. His second Dark Drums compilation 'Dark Drums 2' followed in September 2001, further appeasing his worldwide fan base, being listed as Compilation of the Month in many publications, and also in many end of year polls.

In 2002, Lawler launched two new concepts around his distinctive sound. The first was the 'Lights Out' compilation series, released in the summer of 2002 with the follow-up 'Lights Out 2' hitting the shelves in late 2003. The third installment 'Lights Out 3' came out in October 2005 completing the trilogy. 'Lights Out 3' was accompanied by Lawler's most extensive US tour to date. The second Lawler concept Harlem Nights saw him make an eagerly anticipated return to London in 2002, with his own night - Harlem Nights at The End, which continues to provide the perfect setting for Lawler to unleash his sixhour sets. It is now over five years old and titled Viva Harlem Nights.

Harlem Nights is where Steve Lawler feels completely at home as a DJ. It's the umbrella for his sound, taking things back to basics and setting a vibe that keeps people coming back for more. As Steve himself states: "This is my baby, and a lot of my musical direction and inspiration comes from that night, from that crowd. I feel so comfortable from the second I walk into that room. Harlem Nights to me is one of the best parties in the world."

Lawler's next chapter began in the summer of 2005 with the launch of VIVA, marking a new direction for him both visually and musically. VIVA launched on a Thursday night on the new terrace at Space, and in 2006 hosted five special events at Pure Pacha on Friday nights to mark the launch of VIVA: The Album for Ministry of Sound, a three-disc album that has bucked the trend in international compilation sales. Lawler then launched VIVA Music, his own independently owned digital-only record label, an A&R facility for Steve to continue signing and releasing music he loves. Following the decision to close the Harlem Records umbrella of labels, Lawler wanted to continue expressing his ability to break new artists, and in the digital age, he now owns the highest-profile download-only imprint. Due to an exclusive relationship with Beatport, VIVA Music is the model of how to release electronic music in 2007.

The next chapter in the VIVA series arrives in October 2007 with a new global compilation concept from Lawler, focusing initially on his residency at The End. Titled VIVA: London, the double-CD is built around the sound and energy of the Viva Harlem Nights residency. The series, released via Renaissance Recordings, will then focus on other cities where Lawler visits on a regular basis. He also holds VIVA residencies in Canada and Vanguard in Los Angeles.

It's not all about being a DJ. Lawler's accomplished productions include the singles 'Rise In' (2000), 'Andante' (2002), 'Lost' (2003), and 'Out@Night' (2004). More recently, Lawler has produced a range of new tracks in 2005 including 'Souls On Ice' (2005), a collaboration with hype production outfit King Unique. Other releases include Lawler's 'Illectronic Music' (2005), and 'That Sound' (2005) released by Joia Records from Sweden (August 2005). Lawler is currently writing his debut artist album for release in 2008, whilst keeping the discerning dance floors busy with his SL Projects, SLADLY project with Dino Lenny, SLAAF with Audiofly. Along with his new singles 'Courses For Horses' 'Violet' 'Krunk' 'Superflake' and 'Fools Paradise' under his own name. Expect a stream of new underground music from Lawler in the next 12 months.

Lawler's earlier remixes consist of BT, Dub pistols, Cevin Fisher, amongst many others. His recent remix CV consists of his first step into the Hollywood film industry with his huge rework of incidental sounds from Hollywood film The Skeleton Key. A multi-million box office hit in America, the remix became a true Ibiza classic. Elsewhere, Lawler remixed Donna Summer's 'I Feel Love' for the Heineken Thirst Tour, which Steve recently performed for across key Asia markets. Other mixes include Dido's 'Sand In My Shoes' (Billboard USA Dance Chart number one), the second Shapeshifters single 'Back To Basics', and house classic 'Reach for Me' by Funky Green Dogs'. And who could forget hearing his remix of Bombdogs 'I Can't Explain' in Ibiza summer of 2004. He's recently remixed heavy weights Jamelia and Justin Timberlake.

Overall, Steve Lawler is a DJ who has never taken the easy path to success. A DJ whose passion for house music overthrows the boundaries of just playing records. From his mammoth sets at Space in Ibiza to his tendency to re-edit half the tracks in his box, Steve Lawler continually proves his true passion. As Jockey Slut puts it, 'One of the best DJs in the world."

Scarlett Etienne

Born in Hong Kong to a U.S. Military Family, Scarlett spent her formative years traveling internationally until settling in New York City on her own at 18. She was immediately immersed in the shocking intensity of New York City Nightlife, where she was inspired and heavily influenced by her underground house music heroes Danny Tenaglia and Junior Vasquez in the final days of Twilo. Scarlett's incredible love of music and appreciation for the sensory and aesthetic aspects of the club scene, led her to fearlessly take to the decks and cultivate a style all her own. Exposure to radically different cultures throughout her life stimulated her naturally vivid imagination, awakening her to the unlimited potential of music.

From years of classical piano training to ballet and opera, to an obsession for many genres of music including punk rock, industrial, indie, and hip-hop, Scarlett developed a strong technical foundation for music at an early age. At only 15 years old while living in Canada, she self-produced a full-length demo called "Low-Budget Severity" as a singer-songwriter with a Fender Strat, a 12-string acoustic, various synthesizers and an array of random instruments. Her songs were later aired on indie and college radio throughout Canada leading to an on-air interview with CJSW, Calgary. In addition to her studio endeavors, she performed and collaborated with several bands in her teen years, playing everything from blues to rock.

Scarlett's passion and musical skills have brought her to travel internationally as a DJ, to share her sound with the world. In 2002, She landed her first residency at New York City nightlife institution Sound Factory, followed by a residency in the downtown underground-chic venue Sullivan Room, and a bi-coastal, bi-monthly residency with San Francisco's Mixed Elements party. For over a year, she has maintained a monthly residency at the renowned Italian nightclub Alter-Ego, in Verona, Italy. She has delighted and packed dancefloors all over the world from San Francisco to Madrid to Athens. During her most recent Mediterranean tour in the summer of 2003, she had the honor of making her Ibiza debut at the legendary superclub, Amnesia.

Diversity is the heart of Scarlett's sound. Her style can be described as hard-hitting tribal progressive with a funky and melodic edge. At only 22 years of age, Scarlett has acquired a unique, cultured appreciation and understanding of dance music and continues to make her impact on the underground house scene on a global level. While not working hard on the road, she is working diligently at home in her Pro-Tools project studio, continuing her quest to find expression through innovative new sounds.

Secret Fusion - Basteroid"Upsets Ducks" Album Tour (öffentliches Ereignis)

DjScirox Datum des Ereignisses: 13. 10. 2007 (Einmaliges Ereignis)
Secret Fusion - Basteroid"Upsets Ducks" Album Tour
LineUP Basteroid live! ( areal rec. - berlin - D )
Junkie & Hawky ( secret fusion )
Vj Pixelstar
[email protected]
Entry bis 00:00 6 EU , danach 8 EU
Styles Tech-House, Techno, Minimal, Electro
Location Hangar Music Garden
Vándor Sándor utca
9400 Sopron
Distance um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben
Routenplaner Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner
- Vereinfachte Darstellung Aktuelles Datum: 10. June 2024 - 04:13

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