Willkommen, Gast ( Anmelden | Registrierung )
Datum des Ereignisses: 4. 1. 2004 endet 31-December 05 (Wiederkehrendes Ereignis) |
Frühschoppen@Foxy | |
LineUP |
DJ-Pool: Roman Ranosz (www.ranosz.com) Sdricci Peter Pan Voriot Maurizio Cage & guests Duracell, Spin Brothers, Xela L, Acan, Smacs, ... tba Watch out for flyers or visit www.ranosz.com to see the lineup !! |
Specials/Infos |
- open air area near the water (Alte Donau) when the weather is fine rent a boat - partyinfo & booking contact: [email protected] |
Entry | € 8,- / halfprice for girls |
Styles | Progressive (Tech) House |
Location |
Foxy Club Wagramerstrasse 50 1220 Wien |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
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Start: saturdays, sun- & holidays from 06:00-13:00 sun- and holidays AfterAfterhour from 13:00-20:00, hosted by MC Alien & Electro |
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Datum des Ereignisses: 11. 4. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
Divine | |
LineUP |
Met d`phunk Smoove Saliva Claudio Ricci Philipp Blechà |
Specials/Infos |
- housemusic vom feinsten presented by MoviMiento |
Entry | 5,- |
Styles | funky latin House |
Location |
Roxy Operngasse 24 1040 Wien |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
sonstiges | |
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Datum des Ereignisses: 11. 4. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
LineUP | |
Specials/Infos | |
Entry | |
Styles | |
Location |
-keine Location eingetragen- |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
sonstiges |
Battle of Giants IV Lineup: Battle of the Giants Part IV " Osterfestival an 2 Tagen" Süddeutschlands größter Indoor- Rave geht bereits in die vierte Runde. Die Mix Compilation ist im jeden Fachhandel erhältlich. Nun nach 4 Jahren wird es Zeit dem Nachwuchs eine Chance zu geben! Darum haben wir Veranstalter uns gedacht neben den Headliner in 3 Floors auch die besten Nachwuchs DJ´s eine Chance zu geben. Diesmal werden wir ca 35 Acts buchen und einige Überraschungen haben wir schon bereit Wie haben 3 Floors mit folgenden Musikrichtungen: Floor 1 : Mainfloor mit Clubsound und Trance Floor 2: TECHNOFLOOR Floor 3: HARDSTYLE und HARDCHORE, GABBER FLOOR DATUM: 10. April 2004 Rockopera Bad Grönenbach www.rockopera.de 11. April 2004 K.P.O München, Kultfabrik www.kultfabrik.de Wir übernehmen natürlich für DJ´s die weiter anreisen die Hotelkosten und werden ein Hotelzimmer in der Kategorie 4 Sterne buchen. Bitte email mit kurzer Discographie, Musikrichtung, Telefonnummer usw an [email protected] so nun hoffen wir auf zahlreiche Bewerbungen und ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr! grüße H.P. Smith Location: K.P.O. Grafinger Straße 6 81671 München €ntry: k. A. Kommentare ansehen... |
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Datum des Ereignisses: 11. 4. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
Ultraschall im Tanzpalast Baden | |
LineUP |
1st floor: Matthew Bell (22:00 - 00:00) Danilo Vigorito (00:00 - 02:00) Jay Denham (02:00 - 04:00) Space Djz aka Ben Long (04:00 - 06:00) Adelic (06:00 - 08:00) MC Spot (living f/x) 2nd floor: Remeber 10 Years Of Techno Joro (22:30 - 02:00) Rokis (02:00 - 05:30) |
Specials/Infos | |
Entry | 6 € |
Styles | Techno |
Location |
Tanzpalast Waltersdorferstraße 40 2500 Baden |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
sonstiges | |
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Datum des Ereignisses: 11. 4. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
Senor Picollino@KW St.Pölten | |
LineUP |
senor piccolino electronic live act [aka markus kienzl, sofa surfers] gü mix [dub club, flex] chimera [clubhaus] BA Trigga [krush up] |
Specials/Infos | - www.kuhbus.org |
Entry | k.A. |
Styles | Drum&Bass |
Location |
Kulturwerkstatt Weiterner Kellerweg 3100 St.Pölten |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
sonstiges | |
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Datum des Ereignisses: 11. 4. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
Torsten Kanzler@Prison | |
LineUP |
Main Area: DJ Torsten Kanzler (Nerven Rec., Kne’Deep, www.torstenkanzler.com) Groove Tekk (Battle-Mix-Combo / Mike S. Cobar & Bernd Berger) DJ Thomas Lohr (BK Resident / Rotes Licht) DJ Kai Daimon (Electronic Visions / Summer Trip) Keller: Back to the Roots – Techno Classics DJ Andy Affix (Space Crusades / Labor München / www.andy-affix.de) DJ Marc Mendezz (Pacha Ibiza / techno planet katowiece) DJ DEF-MOS (Elerotic Bros. / Voodoo lounge Bonn) Afterhour: Bernd Berger Thomas Lohr Bo Francis |
Specials/Infos | Afterhour |
Entry | 12,- |
Styles | Techno |
Location |
Club Sonic Bahnhofstraße 10 94447 Plattling |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
sonstiges | |
Zurück | |
Datum des Ereignisses: 11. 4. 2004 (Einmaliges Ereignis) |
Trance/Progressive & House Gathering | |
LineUP |
MAIN FLOOR: ------------------------------------------------ SPACE ORCHESTRA 4 decks 2 mixers LIVE! Oliver Prime Synergetic Records|AUT Deuce Sound Option|Slo Mike Carismo Vs. Ille Gal Pro Grass Crew|Slo Umax Vs. XLNC Freelance|Slo / Pro Grass Crew|Slo HOUSE PRIVEE: ------------------------------------------------ DAN Obsession|AUT EXO BELTRAM Flux Team/Sunrise Gallery|Slo MATIS TaoTech/Cream Dance Club|Slo |
Specials/Infos |
doors open: 22.00 admission: 2000 sit/ 1500 sit + Flyer / * 1000 SIT + Visionight 5 ticket ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- info. press accreditations & reservations: Gsm.: +386 41 506 812 (bojan) / email: [email protected] |
Entry | ~8 € |
Styles | Trance, Progressive, House |
Location |
Club Lipa Sp. Pirnice 56 1211 Ljubljana - Sp. Pirnice |
Distance | um die Entfernung zu berechnen bitte Postleitzahl in deinem Profil eingeben |
Routenplaner | Größere Kartenansicht/Routenplaner |
Flyer | |
sonstiges |
OLIVER PRIME has been sharing his brand of emotionally driven music since the age of 20. He turned from 50's oldies over black sabbath and nirvana to electronic music, as it is today. The final end? No, Oliver goes one step further by creating his own, innovative sound. Having been trained in the guitar since the age of 15 he now uses his knowledge of music theory in his own productions. Furthermore, he got a collaboration running with Luka Baumann from Croatia, based around meditative Techno with tiny Trance elements, reaching the darkest voids of reality.Music is an essential part of his life. He loves to create landscapes of sound, athmospheres which take its listeners to another state of consciousness. His first release "Da Korah", which was signed to Synergetic Records in June 2003, is just the beginning of a series of hypnotic journeys, Oliver will lead us through. Stay tuned - the best is yet to come. Oliver`s web: www.oliverprime.com DJ DAN Dan aka Daniel Schallaschek was born on May 26, 1981 Klagenfurt, Aut. Being fascinated in electronic music he bought his first turntables in 1998. Mixing his first housy vinyls made him fall in love with house music. His main style of house music, which was vocal at the beginning, has developed into an interesting mixture between deep, funky and tekky tribal house, within the last years. He is a member of the well known club “direct soul” that is organising “Obsession” and doing some smaller projects. As he is often visiting his favourite neighbour country, which is Slovenia, he has tried to build up a good partnership with young artists of the Slovene scene. For him being a house-freak and a Dj is not just a lifestyle: “Whenever I switch on my turntables, whenever I’m listening to a good track, I get the vibrations for building up the strength in the rest of my life!” U got to expect a spiritual journey threw your body and soul ! DJ DEUCE Dj Deuce je umetniško ime Dušana Tomšiča, rojenega leta 1979 v Ljubljani. Trenutno zaključuje študij sociologije in kitajščine na Filozofski fakulteti, sicer pa se že vrsto let ukvarja z manekenstvom, predvsem pa s strastjo posveča svoj čas glasbi, DJ-anju in organizaciji partijev. Vse se je začelo z učenjem igranja afriške djembe leta 1995. Na splošno ga je vedno zanimala underground elektronska glasba. Leta 1999 si je kupil gramofone in postal bedroom DJ. Kmalu je sledil prvi večji nastop v klubu Pekarna Maribor (16. junij 2001). Njegov stil se je s časom spreminjal; preko techna in progressiva vse do danes, ko mu je najbolj pri srcu house v širšem smislu. Za Deuce-a to vsekakor pomeni prepletanje večih podzvrsti housa kot so: tech in progressive house, bootleg, elektro house,… Njegov set še dodatno popestrijo house remiksi znanih komadov, ki so pogosto vokalni in zelo razgibani (od starega rocka do sodobnega popa, hip-hopa in r'n'b-ja). Njegovi najljubši producenti in izvajalci: Slacker, Scumfrog, Timo Maas, Murk, Fluke, Chemical Brothers, Basement jaxx, Cassius, Danny Howells, Yello, Orbital, Soulwax, Outcast, Mirwais, William Orbit… Več na: www.soundoption.org |
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Vereinfachte Darstellung | Aktuelles Datum: 31. October 2024 - 23:57 |
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