The ever fertile cut n’ paster, Gnomefoam returns to Rack & Ruin with his sixth proper release under this moniker (not counting his work with Almiqui and Anata Wa Sukkari Tsukarete Shimai). This new album is called “Fucklord Dragonfist”, whose words seem to be strung unexpectedly together, much like the sounds contained within.

Gnomefoam has tirelessly worked at his art, crafting soundscapes together from found sounds, located primarily from various creative commons websites on the internet.

This highly experimental view on “what is music?” creates a weird and wonderful eclectic mix, integrating a vast array of forms, styles, and genres – you don’t often get to hear trip hop beats, death metal guitar parts, rave addled breaks, and shimmering laid back beach vibes in one track, but you may just get that very experience here.

In comparison to other releases, Fucklord Dragonfist is one of his roughest and noisiest to date, and is sort of like HEALTH produced by Girl Talk with occasional vocals from Natasha Khan… then mixed in a blender, and played backwards. Throw in the loose structures, and free form fluency and you are sure to be in for an intriguing ride.

This summary was mostly written by myself, with bits cut out from a chat with Gnomefoam, and pasted together with words found in pre-release reviews. I think that is how Gnomefoam would have liked it.

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Rack & Ruin records

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