ISIGTUTEOT-004n - Various Artists “Chinese Whispers 2 ”
Release date: 24 November 2008

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Direct Links: OGG (Zip) - MP3 (Zip) - High Res Covers

Track 1 is a remix of the last track from the first “Chinese Whispers” project (ISIGTUTEOT-003/n) called “Solar Gossip” by Setlap. It was sent, with a number of samples, to the next remixer. The next remixer made their track which was then sent, with a selection of samples, to the next remixer and so on… The order of remixers was selected using a random number generator. Nobody other than the project administrator (Kreuztot) knew the order.

We have first time ISIGTUTEOT appearences here from Manys, Hazel, EE, Dark Sinus Wave (aka .exe), 0×51d pL4n374ry, DJ Salinger and hu.flung.pu.

The first Chinese Whispers project will be avaiable online soon!


01) The Sky Patrol - “Lunar Butterfly”
02) Bittasynic - “Lunar Echo”
03) Agent Cooper - “Lunar Echo Remix”
04) Manys - “Moon Oon”
05) Drohnwerks “Lunar Tune”
06) Hazel - “Selenology”
07) EE - “EsselenoyEd”
08) Dark Sinus Wave “Tou”
09) 0×51d pL4n374ry “Towed”
10) DJ Salinger “Tides”
11) Menaz “Submarines”
12) Mr. Done “Submachine”
13) Setlap - Submellow
14) Cedric von Flugel “Subversion”
15) nike.bordom - “Submersion”
16) hu.flung.pu - “Submeersaufen”

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