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technoboard.at _ Network News _ [FOEM] [es29] Monokle - ?Ideas Aloud?

Geschrieben von: TB-team 19 May 2007, 19:04

ElectroSound netlabel presents:

[es29] Monokle - “Ideas Aloud”


After their debut “Something About Frost” (es11), released last year, Vlad Kudryavtsev and Alexander Kumach strike back at the wide internet spaces.

Monokle continues its music investigations in a boundary electronic music places. This time, tracks combines live guitar and piano themes with a sharp synthetic tunes, that balance at the edges of psychedelic music and entertaining genres. “Ideas Aloud” establishes, that Monokle goes into orbit of another emotional dimensions, where the structure and any rules are less important than harmony.


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