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technoboard.at _ > producing Software _ SPL Freeware Plugin!

Geschrieben von: Derrick S 3 Apr 2009, 09:14

kaum zu glauben aber SPL verschenkt ein Plugin exclamation.gif

Freeware PlugIN von SPL - Free Ranger EQ http://www.plugindex.de/index.php/home/72-eq/403-freeware-plugin-von-spl-free-ranger-eq.pdf http://www.plugindex.de/index.php/home/72-eq/403-freeware-plugin-von-spl-free-ranger-eq.html?tmpl=component&print=1&page= http://www.plugindex.de/index.php/component/mailto/?tmpl=component&link=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wbHVnaW5kZXguZGUvaW5kZXgucGhwL2VmZmVrdGUvNzItZXEvNDAzLWZ
yZWV3YXJlLXBsdWdpbi12b24tc3BsLWZyZWUtcmFuZ2VyLWVxLmh0bWw%3D http://www.plugindex.de/index.php/effekte/72-eq.html Geschrieben von: S.Hinrichsen / PI-Redaktion Donnerstag, 02. April 2009 um 20:20 Uhr http://www.plugindex.de/pi01/03/spl.jpg

SPL hat am heutigen Donnerstag die Veröffentlichung eines Freeware-PlugINs verkündet! "Free Ranger EQ" ist eine Freeware für Mac und PC und zeigt die Möglichkeiten und die Qualität der Analog Code Serie von SPL. Das PlugIn ist ab sofort auf der Webseite von SPL kostenlos herunterzuladen. Es muss nur eine gültige Emailadresse angegeben werden, an die umgehend der Downloadlink verschickt wird.

Für die Nutzung der Freeware ist kein iLok-Dongle nötig!


Hersteller http://www.soundperformancelab.com/




The concept of the SPL EQ Ranger plug-ins is characterized by two decisive features that separate them from traditional designs: They are graphic EQs – and they are the first application or instrument specific EQ modules at all.

Specialized EQs

Musically it is only consistent to specifically design modules for typical instrument or vocal ranges. In contrast to static graphical EQs with always the same center frequencies in repeating octave distances, the Ranger EQ modules are much better suited to work with specific instruments and their peculiarities—and only different frequency ranges do allow to effectively separate instruments in a mix.

Direct sound access

Why did we choose a graphic EQ design? For a fully parametric EQ with all necessary controls there would have been space for approximately one band on the module front. However, our graphic EQ offers eight bands—offering flexible access to a large scale of frequency control without the need for additional bandwidth controls etc. which would make access less direct again. And aside from the musical advantages the application specific EQ module also facilitates operation considerably. Based upon its exceptional sound quality, the Ranger EQ package represents a capacious filter set with a unique balance between versatility and efficiency.


The "Settings" feature allows to store four different sets of adjustments.
Much faster than with the usual save and recall presets dialogs, the settings can be stored and recalled by just one click. The Settings A, B, C, D can be included into the automation of host applications to apply different sets of parameters to different parts of a song.

Mouse Wheel Control

All SPL Analog Code plug-ins support mouse wheel control for rotary controls and faders. Place the mouse cursor over a rotary control or fader and move the wheel or scroll ball of your mouse to adjust the control or fader. Hold the CTRL (Windows) or APPLE/COMMAND key while moving the wheel or scroll ball for fine adjustments with higher control resolution.

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