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technoboard.at _ Kärnten, Steiermark, Burgenland _ 13.11.2004 Trancecalibur

Geschrieben von: soundfreak 18 Oct 2004, 12:35

Burg Oberkapfenberg bei Bruck an der Mur
adresse dazu ?

Geschrieben von: scratchy 18 Oct 2004, 13:11

8605 Kapfenberg, Schloßberg 1

Wien > Spittal am Semmering > Autobahnausfahrt Kapfenberg > in Kapfenberg zweite Ampel links > follow signs... (Fahrzei ca: 70mins)
Graz > Bruck an der Mur > Autobahnausfahrt Kapfenberg > in Kapfenberg zweite Ampel links > follow signs... (Fahrzei ca: 50mins)

Geschrieben von: scratchy 23 Oct 2004, 09:27

Durch Terminschlamperei seitens der Burgverwaltung hat sich am zweiten Floor eine Doppelreservierung ergeben. Leider können wir die Katakomben nicht wie geplant beschallen, der Hauptfloor (Rittersaal) bleibt wie gehabt. Chai-Shop gibt es trotzdem, aber eben keine Chill-Area. Da die Party schon um 18:00Uhr beginnt, können trotzdem alle DJ´s spielen...

18.00-19.30 SpaceSais & Wiggles
19.30-21.00 Jam
21.00-22.30 Potsk & Harry Syriom
22.30-24.00 Origin
00.00-01.30 Kratzer Live
01.30-03.30 Akanoid
03.30-05.00 Free'd'Om
05.00-06.30 Motsognir
06.30-08.00 Suraj & Scratchy

Akanoid Biography:
In 1997 Hilton Theissen(28) and Uwe Lübbers(30) met for the first time.After one and a half year of developing sounds and songs,they finally formed the act AKANOID and had their first release on INSOLATION/ZOOMIA.

Hilton used to play the guitar since he was six years old. He had his first successful releases at the beginning of the 90`s with his first band DARK MILLENNIUM playing avantgarde DEATH/THRASH METAL.1993 he started his carreer as a singer with different projects in between grunge and industrial and made his first experiences with electronic sounds and studiowork.

Uwe started up together with Linus Wessel(Tarsis,Deep,Disco Slickers). They had an EBM/electro pop band formed in 1991, where he was responsible for synth, filter and fx sounds. During the last three years, AKANOID grew to be a real production and live team, building up their own studio and defining their sound in between trance, techno, ambient and noise pop, always combining electronic flow with basic rhythms and bright melodies supported by Hilton`s guitar parts and vocals.

They also had further projects together with Linus called SPACEFISH(SPIRIT ZONE) and SPHERE(INSOLATION). But after AKANOID´s second album release in april 02,they decided to get back to the main subject. In the meanwhile things did change in the whole music scene and hard times came up, but after the breakdown of Insolation and the distributer EFA, they released their 3rd album "Instant Summer" in cooperation with their BMG publisher and brought it out on ALIVE and Cosmophilia.

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