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technoboard.at _ allgemeine Fragen rund ums DJing und Produzieren _ How To Make Techno Music in 1994

Geschrieben von: Derrick S 23 Jun 2010, 09:05

sehr intressant und witzig anzusehen thumbs-up.gif

This vintage video looks at how to make techno music – back in 1994.

The video is interesting not only as a reminder of how much more complex and expensive it was to make electronic music back in the day – but also a reminder of how awesome all that gear is.

via SatStorm:

Back in 1994 creating Techno Music, was much more complicated than today! In this rare interview, we see some well known German music producers, do their magic! Europeans, that is our story: Don’t forget it!


Geschrieben von: Loge 23 Jun 2010, 10:37

In this rare interview, we see some well known German music producers, do their magic! laugh.gif

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